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Pauline L. 

Profession:  Retired

Age: 82


“I no longer have to use my walker”


I called Coastal Mountain Chiropractic to help manage my chronic pain that was keeping me from being able to sleep, walk and do my day to day household chores. Since being under care for I’ve been able to walk without my walker now and my stress levels have decreased.  This is a very professional and encouraging business and I strongly recommend it for others.




Ethan M.

Profession:  Engineer          

Age: 27                                    


“The treatments at Coastal Mountain Chiropractic solved so many more issues then what I what I came in for”


I contacted Coastal Mountain Chiropractic because I was getting shooting pain in my left shoulder that had been going on for months and migraine headaches for years.  

It made it hard to focus and made me more irritable.  I had just accepted that this was going to be an inconvenient part of life and was particularly true of my migraines.  


Since starting my chiropractic treatments my shoulder pain is completely gone and my migraines have been reduced from 1x/week to 1x/month.  I also have noticed better sleep, I’m more patient and calmer and less stressed. 


I had never considered chiropractic and never knew something was wrong.  I honestly thought it was natural to be sore and tight all of the time.  I would recommend Coastal Mountain Chiropractic to others.  



Liz W.

Profession:  Property Manager

Age: 32


“ The chiropractic care I have received from Dr. Thomas has literally changed my life ”


For the last 8-10 years I have been suffering from chronic tension headaches, numbness in my hands, left shoulder pain, and sharp pain in both knees.  

My headaches became so frequent and were starting to last for longer periods of time that I was having trouble living my day to day life much less being able concentrate on my work each day.  The pain in my shoulder eventually became constant rather than every once in a while.  I wasn’t able to live a full life and do what I wanted anymore because I was spending all of my time and limited energy just trying to relief and feel good.  

I have tried massage therapy and been to medical doctors and tried different medicines but nothing was helping.  Since nothing conventional was working I heard about Dr. Thomas and decided to give it a shot.  

The chiropractic care I have received has literally changed my life!  I rarely experience headaches anymore.  I am able to walk up and down stairs now that my knees don’t hurt.  I can do my arts and crafts again since the numbness in my hands is pretty much gone and no more pain in my shoulder!  It’s hard for me to believe I lived with as much pain as I did and am amazed with how great I feel and this newfound energy and focus I have!

I felt Dr. Matt Thomas really listened to my issues, understood the effects they had on my life, and researched my problem areas and knew the exact plan to fix me.  He performed a number of different exams that I had never had done before and I realized how off my balance was.  It was one of the problems that was contributing to the rest of my condition and correcting it has made all the difference in the world.  Being able to both feel and see the changes in my exam findings with follow up exams made me want to cry with happiness.  

Dr. Thomas is always staying up to date with modern techniques and studies.  He is obviously passionate about helping patients heal and get out of pain.  He is great at educating as well and giving me exercises I can do on my own time at home also.  

I would recommend Dr. Thomas to others and say don’t wait, make an appointment today!  I feel lucky I started care when I did.  

Lisa D.


Age: 33


“After 13 years, I am finally pain free and sleeping through the night”


I had debilitating low back pain and knee pain for about 13 years, and moderate low back pain and knee pain for most of my life.  I had a hard time doing every day activities like cleaning my house, shopping, biking and walking.  I never got a good night sleep because the pain would wake me up in the middle of the night.  I could only stand on my feet for about ½ hour before they would start to ache also. 

I went to numerous medical doctors and figured that chiropractic couldn’t help with any of this because I thought chiropractic was fake.  I finally made an appointment and was very skeptical about the treatment plan. 

Since being under Dr. Thomas’ care I have no more knee pain or back pain.  I’m able to do all the things I need to do and enjoy to do like walking and biking and can even keep my house clean now.  I feel 10x better and happier than I did.  I also sleep through the night now and have more energy. 

If you have health problems that are not getting better you should give chiropractic a chance.  I wish I would have went sooner.  All my life I was suffering with knee and back pain and every time I would see medical doctors they all would say I had to just lose weight and do therapy and stretching.  I went on diets and lost weight and still had the pain.  I did this my whole life until I just couldn’t take it anymore.  Finally at 33 I had enough and made an appointment with Dr. Thomas.  Just around 2 weeks later I was feeling better and by about one month I was pain free!

~ Dan P., Union, ME                      Age: 53                                


"Since starting treatment my pain is nearly gone and I have been able to concentrate on tasks at home and complete them"


I came to Dr. Thomas because I was having severe neck and back pain, headaches and sciatica.  I had been experiencing the pain for several years and it just kept getting worse and went to many different health care providers for help I couldn’t effectively perform my job anymore or even do tasks around my house because of this pain.  

Since starting treatment my pain is nearly gone and I have been able to concentrate on tasks at home and complete them.  
I am sleeping better, more patient and calm and less stressed also.  I found that the great communication between the staff and me was very valuable and would recommend Dr. Thomas. 

~ Marcus B.,   Friendship, ME     Age: 30                                


"I’m in a lot less pain and less consistent pain but much better overall"


I was experiencing lower back pain and stiffness that was uncomfortable while sitting at work and when I would go to stand up.  It had been going on for about 3 months and wasn’t getting better.  I called and scheduled an appointment with Dr. Thomas.  Since receiving care from them I’m in a lot less pain and less consistent pain but much better overall.  

I have enjoyed the constant communication about my progress and the care plan moving forward. 



~ Cole F.  Waldoboro, ME            Age: 24                                 


"Since starting care, I’m in much less pain and I’ve been able to start working out again"


I came to Dr. Thomas after I injured my low back at a strongman contest over a year ago.  The pain was getting so bad that I couldn’t walk or stand after sitting for a long period of time.  I was not able to compete in powerlifting or competitions any longer.  

Since starting care, I’m in much less pain and I’ve been able to start working out again.  I’ve also noticed more strength in my lower back and hips since starting care.

I found the stretches and core stability exercises given to me really helped strengthen my low back and abs.  I would encourage others to not wait around for an injury to get better because chances are it might not.

Bob G.


Age: 50

Profession:  Medical Technologist 


“Headaches have improved over 90%!  Neck pain and over-all well being is greatly improved”


I initially starting seeing Dr. Thomas because of headaches I just couldn't get rid of.  I have missed work and my entire day would be ruined because they were so debilitating. I had been experiencing this on and off for about 4 years.

I was totally amazed that after a couple visits how much better I felt. He contoured a personal plan to meet my needs. The improvement I've seen is amazing. I found his holistic approach to over-all health very unique and valuable.  

Another great thing about Dr. Thomas is that he's very open and honest, if he feels he can't help you, he'll tell you. My over-all well being is so much better.  I find that I’m more patient and calm now too. 

I'd highly recommend him to anyone. I also have to thank my primary care doctor for encouraging me to see a chiropractor. It's nice to know that some MD's are aware of the great benefits that a well-trained chiropractor can provide! Dr. Thomas is on the cutting edge of all the newest and greatest things that chiropractic's can provide.  Neuroplasticity is amazing!

Bill G.


Age: 33

Profession:  Professional Truck Driver


“Neck pain, back pain, migraine headaches, sciatica, dizziness, loss of balance, brain fog.  These were all of the symptoms I had been experiencing for 15 years”


Neck pain, back pain, migraine headaches, sciatica, dizziness, loss of balance, brain fog.  These were all of the symptoms I had been experiencing for 15 years.  It was very difficult for me to lift things and to do my job.  I was dealing with migraine headaches 3-4x/week.  I was practically unable to do the physical work I needed to do because of lack of motion and pain.  The dizziness and fatigue made it very difficult for me to complete my job also.  

I had seen pretty much every healthcare professional one would need to see for my problems, M.D.’s/Medicine, Neurologists, Chiropractors and Massage therapists but this seemed to be something I was just going to have to learn to live with.  

Since being under chiropractic care with Dr. Thomas my migraine headaches are pretty much non-existent!  I have stopped taking the medications needed to combat my migraines.  I now go for much longer periods of time before needing an adjustment compared to before having to go every week or two.  The dizziness and brain fog have dissipated and reoccurrence is significantly less.  The sciatic nerve pain has stopped flaring up.  My overall range of motion has improved immensely.  I feel more focused and can think clearer.  I find I am calmer and have decreased stress levels now too.  

I’m amazed at the all the unique and specialized equipment he treated me with to make me feel better.  The time Dr. Thomas took to evaluate me and his attention to the details while treat treating me were second to none!

Kip M.


Profession:  Adventure Specialist  

Age: 47


“Better focus, Decreased stress, No more headaches, and No more neck pain, Better balance”!


In November 2012, I was driving home when I was struck by another car at about 30 mph and as a result I was left with a constant intense neck and up per back pain, shoulder pain, regular headaches, brain fog and anxiousness, and the low back pain I had before was now worse.   My day-to-day tasks became very difficult and I started to struggle with the simplest of tasks.  My concentration and sleep were affected. I was struggling to function at times.  I was skeptical at first, however I tried several other health care professionals and my condition wasn’t getting better so I scheduled the appointment and was amazed how I quickly I responded to care.  

Since being under care the pain and stiffness in my upper back and neck is now gone, I have very few headaches anymore, my brain fog and anxieties are remarkably better.  I have increased balance and strength and I’m able to move my shoulder now whereas before certain positions would cause substantial pain.  Dr. Thomas performed a very thorough exam and identified exactly what was causing my problems.  He gave me adjustments and therapies specific to my condition.  I also received take home exercises to do regularly that have really made a difference.  Even though my pain was less he continually tested me before and after each treatment to make sure I was getting stronger and advancing in the other areas of my health that were weak.  My words of advice to anyone is to trust the whole process.  

Edward C.


Profession:  Painter

Age: 54


“ I was amazed how quickly I felt better ”


I have been experiencing neck pain, back pain, shooting pain, numbing and tingling in my hands and feet, headaches, sciatica, dizziness, and carpal tunnel for 20 years now. It effected almost all aspects of my life like being able to work or just move around.

 I’ve tried numerous different health care providers over the years but nothing seemed to help.   I finally scheduled an appointment with Dr. Thomas and I feel dramatically better and also notice how I can think clearer.  I am amazed how quickly it happened too.  I would certainly encourage others to try Dr. Thomas

Naomi T.


Profession:  Stay at home Mother

Age: 28


“My carpal tunnel, headaches, back pain, neck pain have all improved a great deal”


I initially set up an appointment to see if they could help with my neck pain, back pain, headaches and carpal tunnel that I have had for years now.  All of the pain I was in had affected me so much that I couldn’t function properly to clean, cook, play with my kids, and was keeping me from sleeping well.   I just couldn’t do the things I wanted to do anymore.  

I have been to see numerous healthcare providers including neurologists, other chiropractors, medical doctors, physical therapists, even had surgery.  I was unsure of the care plan at first but figured I had to try. 

Now I feel blessed that I chose to come see Dr. Thomas.  My carpal tunnel, headaches, back pain, neck pain have all improved a great deal.  I can clean my house and play with my kids more and cook a lot more.  I sleep much better and I am able to sit for longer periods of time!  

I felt my care plan was made just for me.  One of the uniqueness’ I found valuable for me was that the techniques he used didn’t require any forceful thrusting like a lot of the other places I’ve been.

The staff is friendly and I feel good after my appointment.  I would encourage anyone living with pain to come in and come see Dr. Thomas, you won’t regret it!  

Peter V.


Age: 12

Student Athlete


“Chiropractic helped chronic knee pain in just one visit”!


Peter had been experiencing chronic knee weakness and pain since he was 4-5 years old.  He wore different braces constantly so he could be comfortable.  It interfered with playing baseball and soccer and also hurt to just walk.  

Mom:  “I expected chiropractic to help after several sessions.  To my amazement, his knee felt better and was stronger after just one adjustment!  He even stopped wearing his brace’’.  

Peter states he can easily run and walk without pain now whether during a game or just walking.  He also states he has been sleeping better since being under chiropractic care.  

Dr. Thomas is great with Peter.  He’s not intimidating, he is likable and engaging.  He explains the process so Peter could understand what was happening through the assessment.  

Don’t wait! Chiropractic is very effective and beneficial option for managing children’s pain.  Its better to fix the problem then cover the symptoms with medications.  

Stoyan T.


Profession:  Retired Professional Soccer Player

Age: 68


“I’m back to jogging, rollerblading, biking, fishing, golfing, and sleeping”!


I was experiencing a shooting pain in my neck that when to my right shoulder.  It was a continuous pinch that increased with intensity with my physical activities and I have not been able to sleep very well due to the pain. 

I was skeptical about chiropractic at first but my first visit was a delight.  Dr. Thomas explained my conditions and the treatment plan.  I felt this plan was made just for me and have returned to my regular jogging, rollerblading, biking, fishing, golfing, all pain free and also back to sleeping as good as ever.  

I felt the combination of the spinal adjustments, physical therapy, and ultrasound therapy was very unique and valuable in my recovery.  

Rosemary P.


Profession:  Retired

Age: 69


“I was in constant pain, I gave up all my exercise because it hurt too much”


I called Dr. Thomas seeking relief for my leg pain and hip pain.  I was in constant pain which increased when I would walk.  I gave up all my exercise activities because it hurt too much to do them.  

I had working with physical therapists and medical doctors and Dr. Thomas worked in tandem with my therapists to provide the best treatment for me and I am now back to almost 100%!

I have also noticed other areas of my health that have improved such as sleeping better, I have more energy, and for the first time in years my constipation is alleviated.  

Dr. Matt Thomas was concerned about my health concerns and listened to everything I had to tell him.  I would encourage people who are in pain to get help to feel the best you can, don’t live in pain!  

Ryan S. 


Profession:  Clerical Relief

Age: 27


“I couldn’t stand up without assistance of a chair or desk, if I sneezed I would collapse unless an object was there for me to brace myself”


I had been experiencing chronic back pain for a couple years then it all of the sudden turned to severe back pain.  I couldn’t stand up without needing the assistance of a chair or my desk and I would have to stand very slowly.  If I sneezed without something to hold on to I would collapse to the ground.  Many times I collapsed from just leaning.  I could no longer do any housework and could barely drive.  It would even hurt to hold my brand new baby girl.  

Since being under the care of Dr. Matt Thomas at Dynamic Chiropractic I am able to sit, stand, and bend without shooting pains that would cause me to collapse.  The pain is drastically reduced and I am once again functional.  

I felt the care plan I received was specific to me.  Dr. Thomas’ skills are top-notch and his character stands out.  I highly encourage anyone to trust Dr. Thomas with their care. 



Age: 23

Profession: Billing Representative, Mother, Wife


“I just wanted to feel normal again”


I have had chronic bladder infections since I was a toddler.  It seemed I was on medication continuously.  As I grew older, it would come back until I went to the doctor and got a prescription.  Once I turned 20 that the pain increased tremendously.

The symptoms I was having were more than the normal burning sensation when you go to the bathroom. At times it was hard to empty my bladder completely.  I was going to the bathroom every 5 minutes and then I couldn’t go.  It was extremely painful.  I felt a constant pain when I would walk or even sit. It was all day every day. My husband couldn’t touch my stomach without inflicting pain. I couldn’t play with my son as much as I wanted to. I couldn’t make any sudden movements. I felt I was a prisoner in my own body.

I have seen numerous doctors, specialists, had multiple tests done, CAT scan, and everything came back normal.  I have tried numerous dietary modifications and supplements.  Nothing was helping.  

I just wanted to feel normal again. 

Dr. Matthew Thomas had a good reputation so I had a consult with him.  On my very first appointment, I told him all my symptoms and he performed an exam. He identified some abnormalities, and then he gave me a couple of adjustments. A couple of hours later, I had no pain! I felt normal! I couldn’t believe it! I continued with the next couple of adjustments just to make sure it wasn’t going to come back, but it hasn’t yet! 

Now I don’t feel pain when I do anything! I can run, jump, and play with my kids. My husband can even touch my stomach. I am so thrilled! I never thought I would be close to normal again! 

It’s like a small hometown clinic where the doctor actually cares about his patients! This is how all doctors should be. I’m not just a name on a chart. I’m a real person.  I would recommend his care to everyone I know.

Amber H.


Age: 26

Mother, Wife, Home keeper, 


Amber initially sought Dr. Thomas’ care to get relief from her intense lower back pain and numbness in her right leg, three middle toes, and fingers.  She had been suffering with this for about a month after giving birth to her second child.

This made it hard for Amber to perform day to day activities.  “It was hard to walk up steps.  My leg felt like lead.  It hurt to sit long periods of time and I could not clean the house.”

Since coming to Dr. Thomas, Amber is now able to clean her house and play with her children.  She even states, “I am able to lift and hug my oldest daughter.”  This has helped her stress decrease greatly because she no longer has to ask her husband to clean and take care of her children.

Jessie S.


Profession:  Childcare Director

Age: 37


“I no longer have to wear wrist guards at all and have no more numbness or lockups in my wrists”


I initially called to get help with my neck pain, shoulder pain, carpal tunnel, and tendonitis that I have been experiencing for years.  I had to wear wrist guards all day and night.  My wrists would lock up and I couldn’t lift anything without the guards on.  I was also experiencing numbness in my fingers and wrists.  I have visited medical doctors, chiropractors, and physical therapists but my condition was not getting better.  

Since being under care I no longer have to wear wrist guards at all and have no more numbness or lockups in my wrists.  I have also noticed that I am sleeping better now and my stress levels have decreased.  Dr. Thomas listens to my complaints and explains the treatment plan so I know why he’s doing a particular adjustment and therapy.  I was surprised that it didn’t take long before I felt relief.  I would recommend Dr. Thomas to others. 

Suzette D.


Age: 54


“I call Dr. Thomas my Miracle Worker”


I had severe pain in my neck, back and hips, sciatica, and restless leg syndrome.  I had shooting pain, numbness, headaches, and have been in chronic pain for months.  I could barely walk, stand, or sit anymore and things continued to get worse.  It would hurt me just by standing to do the dishes, or even walk into stores.

Within the first couple weeks under the care of Dr. Matt Thomas I am finally walking, sitting, and standing with only slight pain!  I feel 90% better and have only been going to him for a few weeks.  My restless leg syndrome is GONE and have actually started to exercise now!  

Since being under care I am experiencing better sleep now, more energy, and less stress overall.  Dr. Thomas clearly explained and showed me what was causing my problems.  He is very informed about chiropractic.  He is a wonderful doctor and a credit to his profession.  I call him my “Miracle Worker”.  I was amazed how fast his adjustments worked and his caring ways.  

Sandra M. 


Profession:  Medical Esthetician

Age: 49


“I had a pain that would travel from my low back to my upper thigh on and off for many years making it difficult to even walk”


I had been experiencing a sciatic pain that would travel from my low back to my upper thigh on and off for many years.  It was starting to become difficult for me to even walk when grocery shopping.   I was very difficult to exercise anymore.  

I was skeptical at first since I’ve been to numerous health care providers.  Some work and some do not.  

Since being under the care of Dr. Matt Thomas, I no longer have the sciatic pain.  I can go shopping and I have been able to get back into an exercise routine without being in pain.  I am sleeping better now, I feel more balanced physically and I’ve noticed I don’t get sick as often either!

Dr. Thomas doesn’t just “crack your back”, he is constantly learning more about the latest advances and cutting edge therapies in healthcare to help his patients have a better quality of life.  He fascinated me with his unique approach.  

If you have been disappointed in the past with a chiropractic experience, Dr. Thomas fixes that too!  

Matt S.


Age 23

Profession: Cabinet Builder


"My shoulder pain went from horrible (8-9/10) to 1/10 being no pain at all"


I severely injured my shoulder after falling on it from an accident two years ago.  I had numbness in my left arm and hand.  I couldn’t reach up and open a cabinet door without having pain or pulling in my body.  It would wake me up in the night because the pain was so severe.  It made lifting objects difficult, anything from a gallon of milk to a cabinet.  I had been to medical doctors but nothing was helping.

Since being under Dr. Thomas’ care my shoulder pain went from horrible (8-9/10) to 1/10 being no pain at all.  It doesn’t hurt to move my shoulder anymore and the numbness in my left arm is gone.  I’m sleeping through my night and have more energy too!

I felt that my plan was very specific to my condition and Dr. Thomas showed me that the pain was actually coming from the spine even when I thought it was just my shoulder.  

I would recommend Dr. Thomas to others that have health issues that are not being resolved.

Paula E.


Profession:  Medical Technologist 

Age: 52


"My shoulder no longer hurts and I can raise my arm above my head without pain.  It is as good as it was before my fall and I’m back to doing what I used to"


Three years ago I slipped and fell injuring my shoulder.  Since then I have also had a lot of upper back and neck pain.  I could no longer workout and run like I was used to. 

I’ve been to other Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, and Massage Therapists. I was little skeptical of trying a new approach but was willing to try since I haven’t been able to get any kind of long term relief from previous health care providers.  

Since being under the care of Dr. Matt Thomas my shoulder no longer hurts and I can raise my arm above my head without pain.  It is as good as it was before my fall and I’m back to doing what I used to!

I felt the care plan I received was specific to me.  He gave me specific brain based exercises that I do at home or work and I am excited how well they help my back and shoulder pain.  Since keeping up with these exercises I am able to go for longer and longer periods of time without having to go in for an office visit as often. 

I am amazed that I am able to be almost pain free in less than one year!  I highly recommend Dr. Thomas’ approach to chiropractic care.  

Mary G


Age: 31    


"I found that his gentle adjustments worked very well for me.  Due to the pain I was in I don’t think I could have tolerated any forceful adjustments"


I was experiencing neck pain, back pain, and hip pain for years.  I couldn’t walk very far or sit too long before I started to hurt.  It was very hard for me to sleep at times and even had a hard time standing.  I had been to medical doctors and chiropractors and tried different medicines but nothing was helping.  

My conditions are a much better since starting treatments with Dr. Thomas and I am no longer in all the pain that I was in.  

I felt my care plan was for just me.  I found that his gentle adjustments worked very well for me.  Due to the pain I was in I don’t think I could have tolerated any forceful adjustments.

Dr. Thomas is very good and the staff are very friendly.  If anyone has pain like I have they should go see Dr. Thomas!

Jessica D.


Profession:  Student Athlete

Age: 12  


"I didn’t think that chiropractic could help me be able to perform normally again without any pain but it did"!


I was having pain in my knees, ankles, and low back pain for about 2 years.  It was affecting my performance to do the tricks and conditioning in gymnastics a lot.  It also affected my back stability and ankles when landing for my tricks.  

I didn’t think that chiropractic could help me be able to perform normally again without any pain but it did!  I also am sleeping better and have more energy now throughout my day.  I feel less stressed and calmer now.  



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178 Main St

Thomaston, Maine 04861




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         Monday          11-6

         Tuesday          8:30-2:30

         Wednesday     8:30-6

         Thursday        11-6

         Friday             8:30-4

   (Every other Friday)

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